To our dear Elwood Shule Members and friends,
In just a few days our dear son Mendy will be turning 13 and celebrating his Bar Mitzvah!
Mendy has spent many months preparing for his Bar Mitzvah. He has learned his Parsha, a Chassidic discourse, the laws of prayer and Tefillin and is participating in a life enrichment Bar Mitzvah program at school. We are so proud of him!
On Shabbat morning, 20 June, Mendy will lead the service at Elwood Shule and read his Parsha. Due to the current coronavirus restrictions the service will be for just 20 people, made up of immediate family members.
Mendy has grown up in Elwood Shule and over the years has enhanced the ruach and brought the community so much joy, particularly with his beautiful singing.
We wish we could celebrate this special milestone with all of you and with Gd’s help, once safe to do so, we will.
Until then, please feel free to leave Mendy a Mazal Tov message below.
May we continue to share good news and very soon celebrate Simchas with each other.
Warm regards,
Rabbi Shmuel & Rivki Karnowsky