• 9531 1547
  • info@elwoodshule.org

Coronavirus Information and Resources as it relates to Elwood Shule will be posted here.

For up to date advice on COVID-19 please see www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus

In the coming days and weeks we will be connecting with you via phone, social media and live streaming.

  • Rabbi Shmuel is available for a chat at any time, about any thing, please call him on 0433 676 300.
  • Click here for a list of excellent resources and support services for your assistance
  • Please see our Upcoming Events and learning pages.
  • If you have Facebook, please like our page to receive updates.
  • We are using Zoom for our live streaming. Please download the ZOOM app onto your smartphone or tablet here: https://us04web.zoom.us/download.

9 July
Unfortunately, we find ourselves in another ‘stay at home’ lockdown for the next 6 weeks. Please see the communication to our members here.

1 June
With COVID19 restrictions slowly being eased in Victoria, our State Government regulations now allow for Shule services to resume with limited attendees. We intend on resuming our Shule Services cautiously and slowly. We will begin by holding just Mincha/Maariv services (Sun-Thurs) from Sunday, 7 June. Strict regulations and a cap on numbers apply. Please see here for details.

14 May
Following the easing of some restrictions, Shule to remain closed for the time being. Details here.

26 April
The Government asks you to download the COVIDSafe app: The COVIDSafe app speeds up contacting people exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19). This helps us support and protect you, your friends and family. More info here.


6 April
Going through this whole drama can be taxing on our personal wellbeing, please see document linked below that lists the very best websites, phone numbers and resources relating to physical health, mental health and financial health both within and beyond our community. Useful and Reliable Resources for Navigating this Challenging Time

31 March

Some important COVID-19 guidelines regarding Pesach here.

27 March | Over 150 people joined our Pre Shabbat Service via Zoom and Facebook Live! Enjoy it here!

22nd March UPDATE

STOP! COVID-19: What you do will save or cost lives!!! We are not in business or life as usual anymore. The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation is serious and you must take extra precautions for your own well-being and health, and that of others. Stay at home. Avoid personal contact with others. For further information visit www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus.

19th March UPDATE

18 March UPDATE
Shule Services suspended effective immediately

17th March UPDATE
We continue to monitor the situation in our local community and we are in touch with the Medical experts so we can make the correct decisions for our Shule and community.

While concern, worry and fear of the unknown are normal and expected reactions to the current situation, you are encouraged not to panic (obsessive social media scrolling and article sharing isn’t helpful…). Remain positive and calm and go about your day to day business, doing your best to look after yourself, (physically, mentally and emotionally) and others.

You can also spread powerful spiritual energy and light in the world, by saying a prayer, lighting Shabbat candles, giving charity, practicing random kindness and so on!

As of now, our Shule continues to function as normal. This may change in the coming days.

However, anyone who is unwell should not attend Shule.

The elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions should not go to shule.

Anyone with medical conditions, especially over the age of 65, should ask their general practitioner if it is advisable to attend.

Anyone returning from overseas must go into 14-day self-quarantine as per current Government policy. During this time you should stay at home and not attend work or school and avoid close contact with other people.

If a member of the family is tested as positive for the virus, the whole family must go into quarantine as per current Government policy.

We are adhering to the cleaning instructions the Government have issued – such as sanitising high use surfaces, door handles etc.

When attending a service, standard hygiene precautions must be taken. This means:

  • Washing hands on arrival, before and after davening
  • Washing hands after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
  • Practicing good cough and sneeze etiquette by using a tissue or your elbow
  • It is essential to maintain safe distances (1.5 metres between people) when sitting in shule
  • No kissing or unnecessary direct touching of the Torahs or mezuzahs

Our services will not exceed 2 hours and social distancing (at least 1.5m) between people is maintained.

Shule kiddushim and social functions are cancelled until further notice.

Now is a time for cool heads and warm hearts and kindness. Now is a time to reassure our children and grandchildren. Now is the time to help one another in a spirit of areivut and achdut. Now is the time for Teshuva, Tefilla and Tzedakah. Now is the time to pray for humanity and all the sick and worried people across our planet.

If you have any health related concerns please contact your local doctor, the Department of Health and Human Services website at https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus or the hotline on 1800 675 398.

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