We are cautiously resuming Shule services in accordance with the current DHHS Guidelines. Please scroll down to register to attend a Shabbat service.
PLEASE READ: I agree to adhere to the posted safety signs in Shule and to the advice of the safety officer on site (Jack Lipson), Member of the Board and/or Rabbi; to the physical distancing guidelines of 1.5 meters before, during and after services; to the hygiene and sanitising guidelines, by washing hands with soap and use the provided hand sanitizer upon entry; wear a face mask at all times; not touch the Mezuzah, Torah or any non-vital surface; not attend Shule Services if I’m feeling unwell, if I have a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees or if I or anyone I live with is exhibiting any cold/flu like symptoms, or if I’m required to be in quarantine.
Those with serious ongoing medical conditions and anyone with a compromised immune system should not attend Shule services, unless they have consulted with and received the permission of a registered medical practitioner to attend a public prayer gathering.
I acknowledge that the Shule takes all reasonable care, but waivers any responsibility for an attendee becoming unwell as a result of their attendance at these services
If you are unable to attend a minyan you registered for, please notify Jack Lipson or Rabbi Shmuel (numbers above) at least 24 hours in advance whenever possible.